Topographic Services


The topographic diagram is not a simple plan that accompanies a public document or a contract, as many people think, but it is a complete topographic study of each plot that lists the area, its dimensions, the buildings that exist in it, if it is built and how many meters builds as well as accurately determines the location of the stadium using the state coordinates EGSA '87.

The following is required to compile a correct topographic diagram:


Field measurements with precision equipment, performed by Surveying Engineers
 Research in the competent services for the property (eg perfection, buildability, possible changes of the property, inclusion in special conditions, the drafting of the declaration of N651 / 77, etc.)
 Elaboration of the measurements, based on the aforementioned research and compilation of the topographic diagram.


When is it required?



Issuance of building permits

Arbitrary arrangement

Deed of characterization of the Forest Service

Act of deliberation, Confirmation, etc.

Implementing acts and corrective implementing act

Cadastral objections

Licensing of Photovoltaic and Wind farms

Definition of shoreline and beach lines and streams

Demarcation and division of plots and agricultural parcels

Drawing of road and building lines

Acquisitions by the State



What are the "Traps" of a Incomplete Topographic?


The responsibility of the Engineer for the completeness, accuracy and even the correctness of the data he signs is great. An incomplete topographic diagram can create problems in the future and an additional financial burden for the owners, which leads to incorrect administrative acts, legal disputes and even revocation of building permits.